His father, a chapelmaster and composer, initiated him in music. Later he studied at the Escola Municipal de Música de Barcelona with Lluís Millet, Antoni Nicolau and cello with Josep Soler Ventura. He was a cellist in the Quartet Renaixement(1911-21)with Eduard Toldrà, Josep Recasens and Lluís Sánchez. The Quartet held many concerts in Paris, Berlin, Vienna and throughout Spain. He was also a member of the Orquestra Simfònica del Liceu and the Chamber Orchestra conducted by Enric Casals.
He composed numerous choral and instrumental works with which he won several awards (Premi Patxot, Festa de la Música Catalana). Her work "The Lady of Tremp" was awarded by the Catalan Center in New York. Since 1921 he wrote sardanas; all of them show a great technical perfection and originality.

Antoni Planàs Archive in the Biblioteca Nacional de CatalunyaSheet music on Editorial Boileau
L'ànima de les flors, for violin and piano