Organ builder, organist and composer of Basque origin settled in Barcelona. As a composer he was a disciple of Manuel Burgés. At the age of twenty-seven he won the second prize for choral works organized by the Provincial Government of Bizkaia. From this award his works began to be known in Barcelona, with performances at the Palau de la Música and the Teatre Tívoli. In 1945 at the Palau de la Música a tribute was paid to Alberdi through a series of lieder recitals performed by María Teresa Fius, Maria Josefa Bartuli and Antonio Alberdi at the piano. Alberdi's work is extensive and has received praise. Among his production, the Sinfonía Vasca for organ stands out.
As an organ worker, after the war, he associated with "Organería Española S.A." from Azpeitia and built a good part of the organs of Catalonia between 1945 and 1975. He has dedicated in his honor the name of a street in the Sarrià-Sant Gervasi neighborhood, in Barcelona.

Antonio Alberdi Archive
Romança sense paraules, for recited voice and piano