Music teacher and renowned lecturer, he gave different lecture series at various centers. They highlighted the cycles that he did at the "Institut de Cultura i Biblioteca de Popular de la dona" from 1912 to 1915, where he explained and interpreted the piano works from the precursors of Bach to the contemporaries of his time.
His musical work is made up of four hundred arrangements and harmonizations of popular songs with piano accompaniment. He wrote a music theory book for the first and second courses. He published a book with harmonizations for singing and piano in three volumes with the title "Nadales" and he was also the author of several original songs, among them the cycle "Del meu molí". He harmonized Spanish popular songs for Radio Barcelona with the aim of publicizing the different forms of expression in the world of song. In 1959 he published six little books with harmonizations for piano of popular dances from different areas of Catalonia. He used the pseudonym "Wiliams Davis" to write numerous salon pieces.
As a musicologist and a great connoisseur and specialist in folk music, he wrote interesting articles. He was a music critic in magazines and weekly newspapers such as “Ilustració Catalana”, "Hormiga de Oro", "Diario del Comercio", "El Eco", "El Pla de Bages". His contribution stands out in the 1947 Encyclopedic Dictionary of Music, edited by Central Catalana de Publicacions. He made a bibliographic work of the composer Josep Martí Cristià, who was a great friend and disseminator of his work.

Sheet music on Editorial Boileau
Del meu molí (selecció), for voice and piano
Tardor – L'avi Gep
Cant de primavera – La sega
Espera, for voice and piano
Dubte, for voice and piano