He began his musical training with his father, the composer and poet Miquel Civil y Bogunyà. In 1903 he entered the Escolania de Montserrat, where he was a student of Guzmán. Between 1908 and 1913 he completed his studies in harmony, counterpoint, piano and Gregorian chant at Étampes, Pithiviers and at the Schola Cantorum in Paris.
In Figueres, where he married in 1917, he became acquainted with musicians such as the organist Mosén Isidre Lleys, the brothers Ricard and Lluís Pichot, the pianist Enric Costa and composers of sardanas, including Antoni Juncà who taught him this musical genre. He was part of chamber music and musical groups and worked as a teacher.
In 1924 he moved to Girona, where he remained until his death, except for the parenthesis of the civil war, which was exiled in France. In 1925 he joined the cathedral as an organist and in 1954 he became the titular. He opened a private music school and spent a lot of time teaching. In 1936 he started the Escola Municipal de Música later the Isaac Albéniz Conservatory of Music, which he founded and directed from 1942 until his retirement in 1965.
In addition to being an organist, he stood out as a pianist in different chamber formations and as a silent film pianist. As a composer, he cultivated the vocal repertoire and composed for piano, organ, chamber music and orchestral works. For piano he has many pieces inspired by Catalan popular music, with influences from French Impressionism. As a musicologist, he focused on the recovery of data and documentation on composers from Girona region.

Sheet music on FICTASheet music on Editorial BoileauSardanas on Músics per la Cobla
Rosa de sol o Tàlem (Cant XIII), para voz y piano
Desfici, para voz y piano
Estival, para voz y piano
Jugant, para voz y piano