El rossinyol op. 27 No 1, for voice and piano
Larirà op. 26 No 3, for voice and piano
Les ànimes, op. 28 No 2, for voice and piano
És juny, for voice and piano
Cançó de Maria, for voice and piano

Joan Lamote de Grignon Archive in the Biblioteca de CatalunyaLamote de Grignon Archive (Joan and Ricard Lamote) in the Biblioteca de CatalunyaJoan Lamote de Grignon WebSheet music on Tritó
Born in Barcelona, ??his family moved to Tortosa where he began his musical studies with José Abarcat Sebastián. At the end of the 1880s he entered the Conservatori del Liceu where he studied composition with Antoni Nicolau, violin with Gabriel Balart and piano with Pere Tintorer. He also received guidance from Felip Pedrell on musical nationalism. Shortly after, he became a professor at the Conservatori del Liceu, center of which he ended up being director. At the same time, he also taught at the Escola Municipal de Música de Barcelona where he taught music theory, harmony and instrumental ensemble.
In 1902 he began his activity as conductor at the head of the Associació Musical de Barcelona. In 1910, he obtained by opposition the position of conductor of the Banda Municipal de Barcelona, ??However, his advanced musical orientation led to the rejection of the consistory and he could not access the musical conduction of the entity until a few years later. That same year he founded the Orquestra Simfònica de Barcelona (1910-1925), the first stable Barcelona symphony group that spread an international repertoire, especially from 1917 when he instituted the "Matinés Líriques Populars". In 1913 he conducted the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra in a concert with his own works. In 1914 he began to conduct the Banda Municipal and with a few years he managed to take the group to the highest artistic level, turning it into a symphony orchestra of wind instruments and enriching its repertoire and interpretive technique with his own numerous transcriptions of great symphonic works by international composer. Lamote also promoted the “Concerts simfònics populars”, which from 1929 until the end of the war obtained great popular favor.
At the end of the Spanish Civil War, he was removed from the position of conductor and exiled in Valencia with his son, the composer and conductor Ricard Lamote de Grignon, who, like himself, had meant himself on the Republican and Catalanist side. The presence of both musicians at the head of the newly created Orquesta Municipal deValencia meant the consolidation of this formation. In 1947 he returned to Barcelona where he took part in the first instrumentation course for cobla organized by the Juli Garreta Musical Institution in 1948, as the first step in the recovery of Catalan culture during the post-war period. He died a few months later.
Joan Lamote de Grignon was a talented composer who worked almost all genres: symphonic music, operas, religious music, choral work, song, sardana, etc. The whole of his work constitutes a consistent legacy that shows a balance between attention to the country's own musical identity, taking as starting point the ideas of Felip Pedrell, and the great Central European musical tradition.