He started in music at the age of six, when he began violin studies with Rosa García Faria. Later (1948-52) he took advanced courses with Joan Massià and Josep Maria Roma with whom he worked on the chamber music repertoire of violin and piano. Between 1955 and 1960 he expanded his training in Milan with Franco Tufari. During the last year he had a car accident that forced him to abandon his career as a violinist. He then devoted himself to composition and pedagogy. Back in Barcelona, ??he studied composition with Josep Maria Roma. His training as a violinist determined a clear role for a large part of his production towards the violin or other string instruments, works that reflect a deep knowledge and total adaptation of the score. But he has also written numerous works for orchestra, choral music, for piano, as well as chamber works for various instruments. He was violin teacher at the Conservatori Municipal de Música de Barcelona until his retirement. In 1988, the Union of Composers of the USSR invited him to participate in the 3rd Leningrad Festival of Contemporary Music. In 2006 he received the Creu de Sant Jordi and in 2010 he was awarded the National Music Prize
Jordi Cervelló's catalog, made up of more than eighty works composed over fifty-five years, has always shown great independence from the current trends of the moment and has known how to respect tradition to develop a personal language, faithful to his artist consciousness, music in search of the naturalness and beauty of sound. In order to define Cervelló's complex and polyhedral musical personality, one must approach his sensitivity as a human being, because his work transmits diaphanously the emotions and concerns that he lives intensely day by day.

Jordi Cervelló WebJordi Cervelló Archive in the Biblioteca de CatalunyaCatalogue of works by Jordi Cervelló untill 2012Sheet music on Editorial BoileiauSheet music on Edicions Clivis
Grazyna: dos capricis de concurs, per a violí sol
Lipinski: tres capricis de concurs, per a violí sol
Caprici 24 “riflessione”, for solo violin
Profili umani, for solo violin
Premonició..., for piano
Ocells a l'Alba, for piano
Tre pensieri, for violin and piano
Ka-din, for violin and piano
Dalt del cim, for voice and piano