He studied at the Escola Municipal de Música de Barcelona and at the Conservatori del Liceu with Joan Lamote de Grignon, Antoni Nicolau, Vicent Costa Nogueras, Enrique Granados and Eusebi Daniel.
He participated in the conduction of several Catalan choirs; He was conductor of the men's choir of the “Centre Catalanista Gracienc” and the Orfeó Montserrat of the “Centre Instructiu i Moral de Gràcia”, founded by him in 1906. He was organist and chapelmaster in San Felipe Neri Church, Gràcia (Barcelona) and Nostra Senyora de Pompeia (Barcelona). He taught at the Acadèmia Ainaud (of which he was one of the founders), at the Acadèmia Granados (harmony and counterpoint), at the Acadèmia Vidiella, at the “Jesuites de Sarrià” and the Conservatori de Terrassa (1925-36) of which he was deputy director.
In 1911 he was one of the winners of the fifth Festa de la Música Catalana organized by the Orfeó Català, repeating the award in the seventh edition. In 1926 he was appointed musical director of Radio Barcelona. In 1936 he participated in the 3rd Congress of the International Society of Musicology and in the 14th Festival of the International Society for Contemporary Music.
His work has been of great relevance in the Catalan choral formations, as he also had it in the environment of Catalan nationalist circles of the time. The production of this composer is very varied, covering many musical genres. It is worth noting his theatrical, choral, organ and piano music, along with the harmonizations of popular music, which were well known.

Josep Cumellas Ribó Archive in the Centre de Documentació de l´Orfeó CatalàSheet music in the Biblioteca de CatalunyaBiography in the Mestres Directors Association
La presó de Lleida, for choir
L'hereu Riera, for choir
La filadora, for choir