In Granollers he began his musical studies with the organist Manel Glanadell and began learning the violin with Pedro Brugués. He continued them in Barcelona, ??at the Escola Municipal de Música and the Conservatori del Liceu, with Amadeu Aulaga and Josep Munner. A grant from the Granollers Town Council in 1917 allowed him to expand his training with Joan Baptista Lambert and Joan Lamote de Grignon -orquestration- and Enric Morera -composition-.
In 1922 he settled in Barcelona, ??where he collaborated with various orchestras. The following year he played the viola in the Pau Casals Orchestra during the cycle of Spring Concerts of the Gran Teatre del Liceu. In 1926 he returned to Granollers where he was organist for the Church of San Esteve. In 1944 he founded the Selecció orchestra, a formation that he conducted from 1957. He also conducted orchestras and musical ensembles such as La Catalònia Orchestra (1924), the Amics de la Unió choir (1929/36), the Granollers women’s choir (1942) or the Orquestra de cambra de Granollers. In 1961 he became conductor of the Granollers Chamber Orchestra.
In 1928 he entered as professor and deputy director at the recently inaugurated Granollers Municipal School of Music and in 1945 he was appointed director, a position he held until retirement in 1984. The City Council of Granollers awarded him the city's Gold Medal (1971).

Josep Maria Ruera Archive in the Biblioteca de CatalunyaCatalogue of his workJosep Maria Ruera´s biograpy by Anna Maria Piera
Meditació, for flute and piano