He moved with his family to Sant Quintí de Mediona where he began to practice singing in the parish of this city. Later he studied music theory with Pere Olivella. At the age of 18 he entered the Escola Municipal de Música de Barcelona, where he had Lluís Millet, Antoni Nicolau and Agustí Quintas as teachers, and as a fellow student, Antoni Massana, with whom he established a lifelong friendship. He founded a quintet with B. Gálvez, J. Rigualt, Ll. Sánchez and E. Toldrà. In 1911 he went to Buenos Aires, where he worked as an accompanying pianist for silent films. Due to the outbreak of war, he had to return to Barcelona, ??where he received classes from Enric Morera. In 1913 he went to Lyon to work at the Orchestre Guitton and expanded his studies in Paris. In 1918 he enrolled as a pianist on Transatlantic ships that went to Buenos Aires and ended up settling in that city. In 1920 he dedicated himself professionally to music, composing and conducting the Llevant and Violeta Hortense Choirs. In 1928 he conducted El Roser Choir, a formation that was renewed and improved from that moment. In 1938 he was appointed by the Generalitat to teach music at two Barcelona schools where he worked until 1940. Later he was organist of several churches in Barcelona. In 1945 he took over the children's choir at the Casa de Caritat, while giving private music lessons. In 1949 he won two prizes at the “II Concurs Barcino de Música per a Cobla i Sardanes”, with the sardana "M’estimes?" and "Meravella nostrada". Around 1950 he began with great dedication the writing of a "Practical Guidance Manual for the Composer of Sardanas" that was left unfinished since he died in May 1953 in Barcelona. His catalog includes works for piano, for voice and piano, chamber music, symphonic music, a concert for piano and orchestra, and numerous sardanas.

Josep Marimón on Music Vall Edicions MusicalsSheet music on Brotons & Mercadal Sardanes by Josep Marimón on Músics per la Cobla
La trepitjadora, for voice and piano