Papallones, for piano
Reverie, for piano
Melodia, for piano
Entre naranjos, for piano
Barcarola, for piano
Tres preludis, for piano
Dansa trista, for piano four hands
Invocació, for harmonium

Josep Martí Cristià Archive digitalized int he Biblioteca de CatalunyaAssociation of Friends of Josep Martí i Cristià
He studied piano with Pere Vallcorba and Enrique Granados and later composition with Felipe Pedrell. From a very young age he already showed skills as a composer since Enrique Granados himself praised some of his early works. As a composer, Martí Cristià shows us as a musician of great melodic inspiration, lover of small form, an artist capable of easily translating the most intimate feelings into an inspired melody of great simplicity. His music was eminently romantic, and he took composers like Schumann, Grieg or Tchaikovski as his initial reference. Other decisive influences on his music were the Spanish nationalism of Albéniz y Granados and Impressionism. His piano works were performed by pianists such as Blai Net, Ezequiel Martín or Joan Gibert Camins. It is necessary to emphasize his important proclivity to the pedagogy; He founded a music academy and composed several didactic works. He was an artist of great sensitivity who, in addition to music, cultivated other arts such as poetry, sculpture and painting.
The catalog of the works of Martí i Cristià covers several genres: numerous works for solo piano, stage music, religious music, vocal music, songs for voice and piano, chamber music, etc. Today his work becomes a rich testament to the thoughts and musical trends of Catalonia in the early 20th century.
In 2010 the Association of Friends of Josep Martí i Cristià was created, an entity focused on investigating and disseminating the life and work of this composer. In 2010 and 2018 the pianist Daniel Blanch recorded on disk, for La mà de guido, almost all of his piano work.