He studied piano and music theory with Joan Baptista Pujol, composition with Felip Pedrell, painting with Modest Urgell and sculpture with Torquat Tasso. He participated in several exhibitions. Later he dedicated himself to music and in 1908 he founded Cultura Musical Popular, an institution of musical pedagogy, intended for children's musical education and where he formed a choir with which he performed around 300 concerts until 1926. In 1917 he dictated a musical pedagogy course in Barcelona, ??which, due to the success, had to be repeated in the Biblioteca Nacional de Madrid. With his assiduous presence in La Garriga, many important people visited the town, especially poets and musicians: Joan Maragall, Josep Carner, Josep Maria López-Picó, Rubén Darío, Felip Pedrell, Amadeu Vives, a son of Wagner, Enrique Granados, etc.
He published two compilations of children's songs and one of Catalan songs. She put music to poems by various authors, composed children's plays and was the author of several sardanas. With her very important contribution in the field of musical pedagogy aimed at children, she was the precursor of the movement for musical pedagogical renewal that took place later. In recognition of her pedagogical work, in Madrid she was awarded the cross of Alfonso XII, which Narcisa Freixas refused on the grounds that she already felt quite honored with the affection of children.
Enric Granados said of his songs: "I find in his songs a true popular flavor; they are poetic and moving. And I think these songs are worthy of appearing in the collections of our most classic songs from our land. Some of them and especially" Festa Major " I am sorry they are not mine."

Sheet music on Editorial BoileauTeaching Unit (Grau Professional) about Narcisa Freixas realized by Eulàlia and Ester Vela
L'ametller, for voice and piano
La barca, for voice and piano
La son soneta, for voice and piano